Welcome to Sara’s Trendy Style!

Hi and welcome to Sara’s Trendy Style! My name is Sara and I can’t lie nor am I gonna deny or down play it, I have a serious shoe addiction. And Collection! I’m honestly and happily obsessed! I also love clothes and when I can combine the two especially if I can make multiple uses and looks out of them I’m in HEAVEN!!

“Poppy” Wedge (Last Year) from ShoeDazzle
“Analy” Bootie in Bordeaux from ShoeDazzle
“Georgetta” Heels in Cobalt from Just Fab
I’m married to my best friend and biggest supporter and I’m a Mom of 4 beautiful children, 3 boys and a girl. Being a Mother is such a blessing and so rewarding but it’s never easy and can take its toll on your wardrobe, how you’re expected to look, how you can be perceived and sometimes how you feel about yourself. Having recently had a baby in February of 2016 after a difficult pregnancy it’s changed my body a lot. I’m the smallest I’ve been in about 12-13 years. I’ve made the life change by joining a gym to permanently keep the weight off and be more conscious about what I consume. It’s working very well for me so Needless to say I’m having a love affair with clothes all over again. This is me last year on the left and me this year on the right. A significant difference that led to a serious wardrobe overhaul.

Goddess Maxi Dress From Fashion To Figure “Lacy” Heels (Last Year) from ShoeDazzle
Maroon Dress From BooHoo “Leandra” heels in Wine From ShoeDazzle
“Jade” Dress by Rue107 “Tayrey” Shoes by JustFab
Dress from Dress Barn “Raenetta” Shoes by Just Fab & ShoeDazzle
Linen Culottes from Just Fab “Lexie” Wedges from ShoeDazzle
   However as I said I’m a mother of 4, but that doesn’t mean I want to look like one all the time so that means budgeting is a must for us and Getting great bargains on my shoes and clothes that make me look and feel fun, sassy, sexy and stylish are key to my sanity. Even more than that, versatile shoes and clothes that can be worn a multitude of ways and that can create different looks that keep me trendy, edgy and current are what I live for aside from my children.

    I’ll be sharing sexy, trendy and affordable shoes and clothes that I either own, have owned and can tell you from experience how wonderful they are as well as shoes and clothes I am hoping to or dreaming of owning. I hope you’ll come and visit to get ideas to update your shoe collection and wardrobe for each season! Thanks so much for stopping by!

With  Love & Style,


25 thoughts on “Welcome to Sara’s Trendy Style!”

  1. Wow sis!!! I'm so proud of you. When I was a young mom I felt exactly the same. Keep up the good work. Excited to see all that you have to show. ����


  2. Thumbs up love. Good luck on this new endeavor. Blogging is the it way to share info and you are good at that so I see nothing but positive uplifting opportunities. All my love.



  3. Thumbs up love. Good luck on this new endeavor. Blogging is the it way to share info and you are good at that so I see nothing but positive uplifting opportunities. All my love.



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